Self Care in The Summer


Have you been taking care of yourself this summer? I know for us busy adults it can be hard sometimes to take a moment to focus on our needs and especially our skincare during the summer months. But it’s so important that we utilize the free time that we do have on ourselves. Even if it means silencing your phone to enjoy a nice hot bubble bath after a long day at work or stepping away from social media for 24 hours to just enjoy the present moment without any distractions. It’s so crazy to think that we are just about halfway through Summer 19 but time is definitely not slowing down. I want to share with you guys some ways that you can take care of you during these last summer months, and hopefully can be added to your self care favorites. 



My personal favorite way to decompress and self care is bath time. And my original Lizzie’s Bath Bombs will help you create the ultimate home sweet home feeling no matter where you may be taking a bath. Even if you’re on a business trip this summer or a nice staycation, my Bath Bombs will help you kick back and relax. Lizzie’s original bath bombs come in a variety of scents and are made with natural, organic and quality ingredients. All of my bath bombs are made fresh to order.  Here is a list of the scents that are available: 



LAVENDER: Our Lavender Bath Bombs include lavender essential oil, lavender epsom salt, lavender flowers, and moisturizing oils like avocado oil and castor oil for your skin! Drop these babies right into your tub for the ultimate fizzy fun, and for even more fizz, try more than one.



GREEN TEA: These bath bombs are made with French Green Clay which is known for its detoxifying skin care benefits that can be attributed to its unique blend of minerals. Its composition includes dolomite, manganese, silica, copper, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Also infused with Aloe, Olive oil, castor oil, avocado oil,  Eucalyptus epsom salt, 100% Essential Oils: Pine, peppermint & tea tree. 



ROSE PETALS ALL OVER: This sweet smelling bath bomb is infused with FRESH roses and rose essential oil which helps sedate inflammation, soften and nourish skin. Rose essential oil makes the scars and after marks of boils, acne, and a pox on the skin fade quickly. This includes the fading of stretch marks, surgery scars, and fat cracks associated with pregnancy and delivery. Much of this is due to the antioxidant activity of rose essential oil, which spurs on the healing processes of the skin.  Also made with bentonite clay for skin detoxing and aromatic essential oils and epsom salts!



My favorite scent is Lavender. After a crazy long summer day at work, Lavender helps me to relax and the smell is amazing. I also love to use a couple of drops of lavender essential oil in my bath as well for that extra relaxation. Remember that all of my bath bombs are made fresh to order and there is an amazing bundle deal that you can select when purchasing Lizzie’s Original Bath Bombs that can save you money as well. 



Another awesome way to self care during the summer months is sticking to a skin care regime. I honestly think the best way to get great skin results is to stick to a good product of your choice and stay consistent. Of course, as some of you may know I am all for using 100% natural products and I stand by my brand, Lizzie’s All Natural Products. 



My skincare regime consists of a cleanser, toner, clay mud mask that I use 2-3 times a week or whenever I may have a breakout, and of course a good moisturizer or face serum. Here is my step by step skin care regime. 



Step 1: Cleanse. 


A great way to gently cleanse, nourish, and repair your skin is with our RAW African Black Soap. I swear by this and it works! RAW African Black Soap is an all-natural cleanser made from the leaves of the harvested plants of plantain, cocoa pods, palm tree leaves and shea tree bark. This soap is packed with vitamin A and E and iron, offers UV protection for your skin, great for sensitive skin of all ages. You can use it head to toe. Black soap also helps with a number of skin conditions such as eczema, razor bumps, skin rashes, dry skin, fine lines, dark spots, blemishes and more. 



Step 2: Tone.


Our facial toner is a hydrating mist that contains nourishing ingredients that help heal, cleanse and repair your face and skin. Made with organic rose water to soften and tone your skin. This toner is 100% free from artificial ingredients, stabilizers, preservatives and perfumes. Vegan. Alcohol free. Paraben free and cruelty free.  I apply this right after washing my face. It helps prevent acne breakouts and premature aging by reducing wrinkles and tightening skin pores, cleanses the skin removing dirt, oil, and other pollutants, helps close pores and it can be used on any skin type w/o causing irritation. 



Step 3: Moisturize.


Our face serum will help calm and restore nutrients to your skin along with improving skin tone, restoring elasticity while protecting your skin. Made from Shea Olein Oil (liquid shea butter), which is rich in essential fatty acids & Vitamins A, E, and F. This face serum is moisturizing, soothing and regenerating plus revives the skin by keeping it hydrated without leaving your skin feeling greasy. I apply this once my toner has dried completely. It leaves my skin feeling hydrated and rejuvenated. 



As I mentioned before I apply Lizzie’s Original Clay Mud Mask 2-3 times a week and if you head over to my “Benefits of Using Clay Mud Masks Blog” you will see step by step instructions on how to apply my mud masks that work so well when having a breakout and helps keep your skin glowing. 



How do you “Self Care” during the summer months? What’s your favorite self care regime? Share with me in the comments below and make sure to check out my amazing deals on the site, 


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  • Lola Ken

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